Five Ways to Celebrate Purim
Purim! One of the most fun of all the Jewish holidays (though we think matzah is fun, so maybe we aren't the best judges.) You can read the story of Purim here, and then check out five fun ways to celebrate.
1. Bake unique hamantaschen.
Poppyseed and cherry and fine and dandy, but how about some Strawberry Funfetti or Shakshuka Hamantaschen to shake things up (like a grogger, maybe?)
2. Dress up!

Purim is all about those costumes. We dress up for two reasons- Esther wore a disguise by hiding her Jewishness to defeat the evil Haman. And also, wearing a costume is a fun way to celebrate! You could be Queen Esther (the original Beyonce) or sport a hamantaschen costume or more subtle with a hamantaschen headband! Or totally over the top with a Bagel and Lox Costume.
3. Give Mishloach Manot
It's traditional to give food and drink gift baskets for Purim! These Hamantaschen Marzipan Pops make the cutest gifts! We do this to mirror the gifts given after defeating Haman. It is also traditional to give to the poor as a way to show we appreciate all we have.
4. Imbibe (if you're 21+)

One of the rules of Purim (if you're 21+) is to get so drunk you can't tell the difference between our hero Mordechai and enemy Haman. You don't have to tell us twice! These Manischewitz Champagne Spritzers aught to do the trick.
5. Shake your grogger!

In style of course. With a fun one for kids! Shake it like you mean it whenever you hear enemy Haman's name! We want to drown out his name with the sound of the groggers.