Kosher Kurls or Straight Schtick Trifecta

Kosher Kurls Sulfate Free Shampoo + Kosher Kurls Deep Everyday Conditioner + Kosher Kurls Leave-In “Schmear” Conditioner. Perfectly formulated to wear your hair curly or straight.
Put a bisel (small amount) of Kosher Kurls Sulfate Free Shampoo in wet hair and schmooch into lather and rinse.
Follow up with a bisel (small amount) of Kosher Kurls Deep Everyday Conditioner on wet hair and schmooch it through. Let your hair kvell (enjoy) for this feeling and then rinse out.
Towel dry and then put a bisel (small amount) of Kosher Kurls Leave-In “Schmear” Conditioner in the palm of your hand while it is still wet and schmoosh, schmoosh, schmoosh it into your hair. Then when it is dry, turn your head over and shake, shake, shake or blwo dry as usual!
Perfect for Men, Women, Children, Schitels (wigs) and Peyot!