Bee Cause Honey - To Support Educational Hives
For every Bee-Cause Honey purchased online $3.00 will be donated to the Bee-Cause Project to help fund the installation of classroom observation hives in 1000 schools across America. You not only get the honey you ordered but also the good feeling that you have helped educate our next generation, a generation who will understand, love and protect our honey bee populations. Now that's a sweet deal!
KSA Kosher Certified Rosh Hashanah food.
SIZE: 12 oz.
More about Savannah Bee Company
Ted Dennard is the founder, president and head beekeeper of Savannah Bee Company. Growing up in Coastal Georgia, Ted’s journey into the magical world of bees and honey was sparked by an elderly beekeeper, Roy Hightower, who believed in beekeeping as a way of life. Ted’s passion hasn’t waned a bit, even after 35 years. Ted backed into business in 1999 when his friend opened a store in Savannah and began selling his Tupelo Honey. Three years later, Savannah Bee Company was officially born. Today, Ted remains dedicated to sharing the world of bees with others and introducing new honeybee products to market. He loves his family and surfs when he can.