Plush Lulav and Etrog Play Set for Children

Now kids can shake a lulav and etrog without any fear of breaking or dropping it. This plush lulav and etrog play set makes a fun gift for Sukkot.
Lulav is 18" tall. The esrog (4" x 2.5") is attached to the lulav with a velcro fastener.
Shake shake shake. Shake shake shake. Shake your lulav!
Sukkot lasts for seven days. The Talmud (the book of Jewish law, as discussed by rabbis between 200-500 C.E.) requires taking four species of plants and grasping and shaking them in a specific manner on each of these seven days. (Really! I'm not making this up!)
The first three species are: the palm frond, myrtle tree, and willow branch which are bound together and called the lulav. The fourth species is the etrog which is a large lemon-like citrus fruit. A blessing is said along with this ritual, all of which is a prayer for adequate rainfall to support the Earth's vegetation.
Appropriate for children 1+.
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