Dr. Dreidel Knit Koozie by Freakers

Nuthin' but a Jew thing, baby!
Let the Dr. Dreidel Koozie be your best Hanukkah party accessory. Freaker USA is the global leader of preventing moist handshakes and sweaty beverages. Made in the USA in North Carolina.
- One-Size-Fits-All (Sippy cup? Yep. Water bottle? Yep. 40 oz? Yep. MOST PERFECT GIFT EVER? Yep.)
- Insulates (I know, I know, big words. Here: It keeps all your drinks cold!)
- Machine Washable (Throw that sucker in with a regular load of laundry for a pick-me-up.)
- Made in the Freakin' US (American jobs thank you kindly for your support!)
- SIZE: 3" x 6.5"